Chobe concessions available for citizens

Kabelo Dipholo

A recently adopted land policy by government has opened doors for citizens to acquire concessions in the wildlife rich Chobe District.

According to the Chobe Land Board Chairperson, Johane Chenjekwa, the idea is to get more citizens actively participating in the Tourism industry.

“To that end, the Board has taken a deliberate effort to allocate concession areas in the District to communities under the Community-based Natural Resources Management (CBNRM) Programme as opposed to individuals or companies so that a larger segment of the community benefits,” Chenjekwa told journalists at a press conference in Francistown on Tuesday (check out The Voice’s Facebook page for the full video).

The Board Chair urged citizens to visit relevant offices to learn more about this in order to take advantage of the available programmes.

“It’s advantageous when people come as a group, rather than as individuals because in that way it benefits more people in the community,” he explained.

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Chenjekwa further revealed that the Chobe Land Board has renewed the Head Leases for Chobe-Enclave Community Trust (CECT) for CH 1, Pandamatenga, Lesoma and Kazungula (PALEKA) as well as allocation of CH 12 to PALEKA.

He applauded the two Trusts for successfully using these areas to improve the lives of their communities since the Hunting Ban was lifted in September 2019.

“For 2020 Hunting Season, 79 assorted wildlife species were released as a quota for CECT by the Ministry of Environment, Natural Resources Conservation and Tourism, from which they generated P5.6 million from the sale of the quota,” he stated.

Chenjekwa further disclosed that for the same hunting season, PALEKA was awarded 78 assorted wildlife species, which was ultimately able to raise P7 million.

“PALEKA has already sold its 2022 hunting quota on a five-year sub-lease, compounded at three percent escalation yearly at P6.1 million while CECT is still in negotiations to dispose of its quota for 2022,” concluded Chenjekwa, adding these proceeds go directly to community projects aimed at uplifting lives of ordinary Batswana.

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