Chillin’ out

Patrick Balopi

Please let them rest and give others a chance

Shaya has noted with disappointment that government seems hellbent on recycling old people for positions.

The recently released list of people to be considered for BIUST Chancellor Position is disappointing if not shocking.

I mean what in the world is it that David Magang, 84, Satar Dada, 82 and Patrick Balopi are still to offer in their twilight years? They are now great grandparents who should be winding down business and preparing to exit this world in peace instead of clamouring for positions of power.

Why can’t they rest and spend time with their great grand children and give the younger generation a chance.

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Shaya does not dispute the fact that the said candidates are eminent citizens who have served the nation and distinguished themselves

excellently, but common now, we can do better than that!

Drug lord in a social club

Shaya has been following a certain Sunday Social Club which looks to be loaded than some premier league clubs.

The team has all the resources way more than a social club can ever dream of.

Having had an interest where the funds could be coming from, Shaya realised that one of the team leaders is a well known drug dealer.

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He does not only deal in drugs but is also co-owns a restaurant in the city centre.

That is a big killing for him as he now has an easy way to bank the drug funds.

Chillin' out

Things they say

Since inception of Botswana Parliament in 1966, this is the first time that a motion is moved to dissolve committees just to remove opposition members from the chairmanship of the same committees.

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Healy’s reason for the motion as he says is that it is undesirable for opposition MP’s to chair committees when they are not in power and he postulates that it was a big mistake to elect them in the first place.

He unfortunately is not saying opposition MP’s are not performing in those duties.

Mxm! O kare o raya gore o ka dira sengwe ka tsone le fa a ka di neelwa. Ke raya hela gape I come in peace.. Lol!

Chillin' out
Gabs July

What a boring Gabz July Fashion Show

Shaya has been waiting badly for the Gabz July Fashion Show to see how far it was going to fare compared to South Africa’s Durban July.

The show was bad, there was no spark at all.

It was even surpassed by School’s fashion shows.

Shaya‘s advice would be for the the brains behind the show, Gaborone City Council to outsource it to a private entity to run it on their behalf.

This is a concept that is capable of selling the city to investors.

Hope you will listen to Yours Truly’s advice and introspect.

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