Celeb edition with DJ Leb Gee

Leungo Mokgwathi

Having made her name as an influencer and content creator, Lebogang Lentle is now turning her hand to the decks.

Trading under the name Leb Gee, the newest DJ in town brings a whole new vibe to the game; GC’s night life will never be the same!

Let’s find out more…

Who is Lebogang Lentle?

My full names are Lebogang Mphoentle Lentle Pifelo.

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Home is in Serowe and my other home where my maternal family is from is Kgomokasitwa.

My parents have been married for 29 years now and together we make a family of five including my older sister and little brother.

I love them all but my daddy is my best friend.

We grew up in an okay household where we were always provided for and loved dearly by our parents.

Most of us know you from social media; I guess you could say we categorize you within the ‘influencer’ bracket. Currently sitting on 47, 000 Facebook followers, did you ever anticipate becoming so huge?

I swear I never thought I’d gain so much following. It is still growing on me to this day.

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Have you ever encountered cyberbullying or trolling?

Listen, I have encountered so much trolling and bullying, body shaming and all that.

It never bothered me though.

I have a very thick skin and I’m not easily shaken.

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You seem to be in a very happy relationship. I’m curious to know where you draw the line in terms of displaying your life on social media?

I am a very loud lover.

Be it my partner, friends or family.

When I love you, I need the whole world to know and sometimes I cross the line and over share.

So honestly the line is very faint.

You also appear to have a very tight-knit circle of friends. What role do your friends play in different areas of your life?

I am friends with a wholesome group of people.

They play a very important role in the most important areas of my life.

They are also very supportive.

Anything and everything I do, they always have my back.

We cry behind closed doors and come out smiling because we have friends who are able to keep us sane.

I always tell them that they are healing.

Congratulations on your newly launched career. Is it something you’ve always planned to do?

Thank you.

It is something I have wanted to do for a long time.

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What sets you apart from every other DJ?

I don’t know, maybe because although I really love all kinds of music, I love Gospel more, so I always throw it in my sets – and it’s not everyone who does that!

As a female DJ, why do you think your industry is so male dominated?

I think females want to do it.

But they are just afraid to try, and I’m saying this because I’ve been there and I understand.

What’s Leb Gee’s future looking like?

I think my future is bright.

I am looking forward to growing in many aspects of my career.

Idea of the perfect date?

Candle light dinner under the stars.

Favorite Disney character?

Tinker Bell.

Five things people don’t know about you?

1. I don’t drink alcohol
2. I am such a daddy’s girl
3. Almost everything makes me cry. I’m such a cry baby!
4. I’m a church girl, I love God. I pray every day at midnight
5. I have very serious attachment issues

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