
Kabelo Dipholo

BDP Councillor lashed four strokes on bare buttocks

Botswana Democratic Party Specially elected Councillor Otsile Moses and two of his companions Boago Mosarwane and Chidzani Mokgwebe were slapped with a two year jail term which was wholly suspended, and four strokes of the cane on their bare buttocks for assault.

The trio were found guilty of assaulting one Otto Masogo in 2016 at an ill-fated regional congress in the lead up to the Tonota Congress where the then Vice President Mokgweetsi Masisi was up against Nonofo Molefhi for the Chairmanship of the party.

The trio who at the time were aligned to the Molefhi camp, got into a scuffle with a pro Masisi faction which Masogo belonged two.

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In the ensuing confrontation fists and chairs were thrown leading to injuries to Masogo.

The matter was reported to the Police and the trio was given an indefinite suspension from the party.

They however defied the party and continued to actively participate in BDP activities, particularly during Monarch West Member of Parliament Ignatius Moswaane’s dramatic 2019 campaign.

Efforts by some members of the party to reconcile Masogo with the embattled trio did not bear any fruits as he insisted that only the courts can make a ruling on the matter.

In an interview with The Voice on Wednesday, a calm Masogo said he was happy with the outcome of the case.

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Masogo said the matter was nothing personal but just a normal case of someone exercising their right when they have been wronged.

“Justice has been served,” said Masogo.

He further revealed that he intends to sue the trio for the stress they caused him.

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“They have to pay for the humiliation and pain they caused me,” he said.

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