Former manager sues Avani hotel

Daniel Chida

Former Avani Gaborone Resort and Casino Resident Manager, Seth Mongwaketse is suing the four- star hotel for unfair dismissal.

Mongwaketse who was dismissed from his duties last year June is demanding more than P500 000 in compensation.

The case, which is said to be amongst many unfair dismissal cases filed by former employees of the hotel was brought before Industrial Court Judge Marumo, on Wednesday.

Mongwaketsi’s attorney, Banyatsi Mmekwa told the court that a pre – hearing trial conference was held between the two parties and minutes were taken and filed for court to see. A date of trial was set for April 27th.

The case comes to court after several Avani employees had approached the Minister of Labour, Mpho Balopi to complain about their General Manager , Allan Clingham ‘s alleged aggrresive management style.

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