Blood and tears

Christinah Motlhabane
WHISKED OFF TO JAIL: The young suspect

Night crawlers in Mabesekwa got a nasty pre-Independence shock when, with 30th September just hours away, they spotted a young man groaning in pain on the dusty ground, blood gushing from a stab wound to his body.

The stricken man turned out to be 24-year-old Ikanyeng Phamola.

Although he was rushed to the local clinic and promptly transferred to Nyangabgwe Hospital, doctors could not save Phamola, and he passed away three days later.

The youth suspected to be responsible for Phamola’s death, Thebeyame Kenosi, aged just 20, was tracked down the same day. It is reported the duo had a drunken misunderstanding, which ultimately ended in tragedy for both.

Hauled before Francistown Magistrates’ Court on Tuesday (4th October), Kenosi looked like a frightened child, seemingly struggling to comprehend the murder charger he is now facing.

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The youngster will have plenty of time for this to sink in while stewing behind bars after the Prosecutor, Leano Kgalemang, successfully secured his remand.

Noting the investigating team were still to collect statements from possible witnesses, Kgalemang added, “The tempers of the family and friends are still high so granting the accused bail will be putting his life in danger.”

It was also pointed out Kenosi was a possible flight risk as he allegedly fled the scene after the stabbing only to be arrested in a place which is not his residential.

He is due back in court on 25th October.

Meanwhile, Tonota Station Commander, Oteng Ngada, shed a little more light on the case in a brief interview with The Voice.

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“We received a report on the night of the 29th around 2300hrs that someone was stabbed with a knife. Unfortunately, he died the following Monday and that led to the arrest of the suspect,” explained the superintendent, adding this was the fifth murder recorded in his jurisdiction since the start of the year.

Ngada closed by advising people to learn to solve their differences peacefully and to control their tempers when out drinking as it can lead to tragedies like what happened in Mabesekwa.

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