Celeb edition with Neo ‘Skillo’ Aabobe

Tshepo Kehimile
TALENTED:Neo ‘Skillo’ Aabobe

Energy, charisma and insight are what you get when Neo ‘Skillo’ Aabobe takes control of the mic.

The 30-year-old Kanye native has established herself as one of the country’s top radio presenters and is best known for giving sports updates on Gabz FM.

When she’s not sizzling in the studio, Aobobe can normally be found MCing at events.

Where does the nickname ‘Skillo’ come from?

From playing basketball when I was back in high school; I used to play with my brother and his name was Skillz.

When I got onto radio in 2015, I decided to call myself Skillo because Skillz didn’t sound girlish and the name stuck.

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And your interest in sports?

I grew up in a family of sport lovers; my brother was a biggest fan of sports.

I was a long distance runner at primary then went on to play netball and basketball.

Take us through an average work day?

This is a difficult one! In the morning I wake up and take my little girl to school, then go to work at Gabz FM to do my sports updates and sometimes stand-in shows.

I got my side hustle, which is a business in the Agricultural sector.

I also do events as I am a Corporate Master of Ceremony (MC); so you are always busy to ensure all these go accordingly in order to earn a living.

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Celeb edition with Neo ‘Skillo’ Aabobe

You are now a veteran of radio – but how did you handle the nerves when you first started?

I started radio back when I was in high school.

I used to do a late night show with Mokrenko at Yarona FM – I was a gig guide girl for his show.

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It was not easy but it was a great platform to sharpen my radio skills.

My nerves started kicking in when I started doing proper shows at Gabz FM.

It was not easy as people think, and the amount of work you put in behind the scenes takes a lot, I had to learn to be good about it.

Who has been your favourite guest of all time?

It was my aunt on a show called The Farmer’s Diary, which is an agricultural show.

We were talking about agriculture in the olden days, and how we can be able go back to our roots in effort to have better results in farming.

Have you ever been start struck?

Yes, when I met the SuperSport presenter, Carol Shabalala at Junior NBA Women Conference.

NBA Africa was coming to Botswana the time I met her and she was someone who I had hoped to meet one day and it happened.

We had an interesting conversation and that made me proud.

If you could interview anyone on the planet, who would you choose and what is the first thing you’re asking them?

It would be the President of Botswana, Mokgweetsi Eric Masisi.

I would like to know that having been in the other side of life as a teacher now in leadership, what is he doing to balance the two to ensure both worlds of his career serve a purpose of the brand he is today.

Young, beautiful and successful – you must get a lot of male attention! How do you handle it? Are you taken?

It happens almost every hour, and if that does not happen I feel that there is something wrong with me (laughing).

In terms of handling it, I am simple and straightforward.

I am open about my life, if somebody approaches me, I just tell him that it is wrong timing as I am taken.

MCing or Radio – if you had to give up on, which would it be?

I would give up radio because it is time to make way for other people and it is important to leave while your reputation is at the top.

You are given an unlimited budget – where are you going and who are you taking?

It is obvious that I am taking my man and I will get into the desert, there is nothing more beautiful than being at the desert.

Are you a village girl or a city slicker?

I am the best of both worlds, I fit in everywhere!

Pap and seswaa or pizza and chips?

Definitely pap and seswaa at any given time!

Five things people don’t know about you?

1. I am not a party person

2. I am a praise and worship singer

3. I do not know how to cook

4. I am very shy and reserved

5. I am a huge sucker for love

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