Suicide takes three

Christinah Motlhabane

Tutume police are investigating a case in which a former soldier is suspected to have shot himself to death on Saturday.

The incident happened at Senete village in Magaga ward.

“Although we are still investigating, I can confirm that a 66- year -old man was found lying next to something suspected to be a short gun,” said Tutume station commander, superintendent Jerry Halahala

“Our preliminary investigations suggest that he shot himself with it, as he was found lying in a pool of blood in one of his houses. We got the report from a neighbor who went to check on him in the morning and found that situation,” revealed Halahala.

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Although the Station Commander did not want to speak much on the matter as he kept saying they are still investigating, he confirmed that the deceased left a suicide note but he could not divulge its content since it was a private matter.

Still in Tutume, a 25-year -old Sebina village man committed suicide two weeks back in police cells after he was arrested for threatening to kill some of his relatives.

“He committed suicide the second day he was in detention. He used the side of the blanket to hang himself,” said Halala

In yet another tragic incident of suicide, a 14-year-old Shangano Junior Secondary Schoolboy who was serving his eight-day suspension from school committed suicide on Monday.

The incident happened at Sebina village in Theme ward where the boy lived with his uncle..A 14-year-old Shangano Junior Secondary School boy who was serving his eight-day suspension from school committed suicide on Monday.

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The incident happened at Sebina village in Theme ward where the boy lived with his uncle.

“On the morning that the uncle was to take him back to school, he was found hanging from the rafters of one of the houses,” Tutume Station Commander, Jerry Halahala told The Voice.

“We attended the scene and found that the boy had used something suspected to be a rope to commit suicide. We do not really know what transpired for him to kill himself and whether it had anything to do with the suspension.

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“I can only confirm that he was on suspension and that he was to go back to school on the day he died. We are still investigating to see what led the boy kill himself,” said Halahala.

The Station Commander also stated that the boy left a suicide note and that he could not dwell much on it because it was a family issue.

He concluded by urging people to always seek help whenever they have problems.

“People can seek advice from the social workers, pastors, elders and those they trust. Taking your life does not solve problems but leaves your loved ones emotionally drained,” he said.

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