Police to further investigate murder case

Portia Mlilo

Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) office has sent back a docket of a murder case to the police for further investigations.

This is a case in which four men are accused of attacking passengers in a combi and stabbing a man to death with a knife.

The quartet, Lethata Tebatso Lesole, Ravern Mogapaesi, Goldman Tiroyamodimo Nkunga, all aged 23 and Joseph Boheto aged 26 are facing a murder charge and four counts of robbery.

It is alleged that in July 2019, the four boarded a Mogoditshane combi from Gaborone Bus Rank, where they later attacked passengers and stabbed Wilson Chiundo.

Allegations are that Chiundo was trying to help a female passenger who was attacked by the suspects.

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Boheto allegedly committed the offence while on bail for another murder charge which occurred last year January.

Allegations are that on the night of 27th January, at Mariot Club in Gaborone’s Block 6 location, Boheto allegedly searched Bakang Sento and stole his mobile phone.

When the victim confronted him demanding his phone Boheto allegedly stabbed him in the chest.

Nkunga has pending cases of robbery, burglary and theft and stealing from a dwelling house, allegedly committed this January in Mogoditshane.

When appearing before Broadhurst Chief Magistrate Lenah Mokibe-Oahile last Tuesday the accused persons said they do not know who the substantive prosecutor is in their case because they keep on changing.

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State Prosecutor Sub Inspector Keaipela Seekolo told court that the statements for witnesses are ready and awaiting to be typed.

She said they should be ready by end of this week.

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Seekolo applied for further remand of the other two suspects Boheto and Nkunga.

Asked if they had anything to say, the first accused- Lesole, said in the previous mention prosecution promised that statements will be ready.

He said prosecution is not serious about this matter and that they always ask for extension of remand.

Second accused, Nkunga, said prosecution is just buying time for him to be remanded in custody.

He said they are aware that he is innocent and that he did not commit the crime.

He asked court to consider his circumstances as he has been in jail for over a year now.

The Magistrate further remanded Nkunga and Boheto and ordered that all the accused persons come back to court on the 12th of October for status update.

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